This series is inspired by
‘I Am A Woman’
A poem written and read by Kat Burns kashkamusic.com
A poem written and read by Kat Burns kashkamusic.com
Photographer / DIrector: MP CURTET @mpcurtet
Storytelling / Art direction: L.A. Creative Team @lacreativeteam – Axel Bonnot & Marlyne Curtet
Storytelling / Art direction: L.A. Creative Team @lacreativeteam – Axel Bonnot & Marlyne Curtet
Stylists: The Sister Styling @SisterStyling – Natalie & Gioliosa Fuller
MakeUp: Iris Moreau @irismoreaumakeup
Hair: Doug Mengert @_douglasjack
MakeUp: Iris Moreau @irismoreaumakeup
Hair: Doug Mengert @_douglasjack
Hailey Beth @ haileybeths – WOMEN management
Asianna Scott @asiannascott – NOUS Agency
Aileen Chiu @aileenchews – NO TIES Management
Hailey Beth @ haileybeths – WOMEN management
Asianna Scott @asiannascott – NOUS Agency
Aileen Chiu @aileenchews – NO TIES Management
DOP: Joachim Zunke @joachimzunke
Edit / Post-Production: L.A. Creative Team @lacreativeteam – Axel Bonnot
PA: Mickael Zaoui
Edit / Post-Production: L.A. Creative Team @lacreativeteam – Axel Bonnot
PA: Mickael Zaoui